What We Do at Mayberry


Supporting Local Food Banks

Our congregation saves two cents a meal. This is collected monthly, and the proceeds are used to help provide food security to those in need. In addition we support the Harris Chapel Food Bank and the Patrick County Food Bank


Buchanan Flood Relief

In the summer of 2022 a terrible flood destroyed much of Buchanan, a community need the WV state line. Our congregation jining with others in our community sent a trailer load of cleaning supplies and snacks for those digging out


Men’s Group

Our men’s group meets most months for fellowship and to do needed jobs around the Church. In 2021, we built a replica of the Church that won first place in the Meadows of Dan Christmas Parade.

Monthly Women’s Group

Our women’s group meets monthly for Bible Study and Fellowship. They also provide mission support in our comminute, providing snacks for the children at Meadows of Dan Elementary School and providing for youth at Joy Ranch in Woodlawn.


Christmas Parade

The Meadows of Dan Christmas Parade is the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and our congregation is always represented. We’re known for our nativity scene that included “Clyde the Camel” and for a replica of our church trimmed out for the holidays. Please contact us if you would like to help build our float or ride on it?


Kirkin o’ the Tarten

In 2022, Mayberry held our first ever Kirkin’ o’ the Tarten service to highlight our Scottish heritage. Those who wished, dressed in their family tartan proceeded into the church to the sound of bagpipes. (Pastor Jeff even wore a kilt.) In 2023 the Kirkin will be held at Bluemont.

Centered & Soaring

In the fall of 2022, our church offered the community a discipleship training program by Stan Ott and Lee Selman. we focused on joining in prayer and inviting others to join us with the "with-me" principal. Hospitality was another focus. The training ended with the establishment of micro-groups who continue to meet. Another training is planned for 2023.


Mission Trip to KY

After the terrible tornado outbreak in Kentucky in late 2021 the congregations of Mayberry and Bluemont sent a team to help with reconstruction. We stayed at the Presbyterian church in nearby Madisonville who were kind enough to offer us ice cream after a hard days work. We worked in the town of Dawson Springs, which was nearly wiped out but