Loving God! Loving Others! Making Disciples!

Our Church

For a century, our little rock church has been a center for Christian worship and fellowship. Our congregation consists of people who have worshipped here for generations, new arrivals on the mountains, and part-time residents who join us when they're here. We welcome everyone.


Our Values

We aim to practice what we preach 

  • faith

  • hope 

  • love

  • patience 

  • tolerance 

  • understanding

We strive to learn from the Gospels and apply that wisdom to our own lives, helping out as we can in the wider community. 

What does this actually mean? What do people gain in return for giving up part of their Sunday morning? 

Of course, each worshipper is different and shows up for their own reasons, but there are some common themes. 

None of us lives a carefree existence. Yes, we are in many ways blessed, but still, there is much evil in the world, and there is hardship and unfairness in all of our lives. People have struggled with these realities for thousands of years, and in our supposedly more advanced era, many struggle alone. 

But we don't need to! Here are three of the many ways Mayberry can provide community and support.

  1. As a church of the Bible, we seek to apply its teachings to our lives. It's natural to think that our troubles & uncertainties are unique, but Ecclesiastes has it exactly right: "... there is nothing new under the sun." The Bible has much to teach us. People leave our service every week with fresh understanding and insights. 

  2. As a church of Jesus Christ, we also remember that when things go wrong - as they will - forgiveness is at hand. Jesus sacrificed his life for all who have faith in the power of his goodness. So we leave Mayberry with our burdens lifted and the slate clean. 

  3. In worshiping Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we are reminded that at the end of our lives, we will be able to look with confidence for an unending time in communion with God. We picture that existence in different ways, but however we picture it, we face it in peace and confidence. 

Mayberry is an accepting church. No one cares what you wear. No one cares if your baby cries during the sermon. No one cares what you put in the collection plate - or if you put anything in it at all. 

We respect - and show respect - for every person who comes through our doors. 

What is important is that you leave our services feeling spiritually stronger than when you came in - closer to a loving God and more mindful of the teaching so f Jesus Christ, and better prepared for the rest of your life and beyond.